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 The House In The Ruins (Horror)

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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:13 am

This is just the intro to it (ignore the grammar)

Did i have any time left?
Could i have saved myself?
Will someone come to my rescue?
Will i die here?
Good-bye then.

Mom had told me a number of times never to go to the old
house rotting away in the ruins on the edge of town. The
vines climbed the walls, windows broken or cracked
everywhere, And the scent no one could identify hanging in
the air. But tonight was Halloween and I was gonna prove i
was brave and go into that house while i was supposed to be
out with my friends...or so i'd told my mother.
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:13 am

Part 1

It was two days until Halloween and i was gonna do something very special this year. I was gonna go to the most disturbing place in town. The old Chambers manor that has been crumbling away on the edge of our little town. No one had seen the inside of that estate in years because of the rumor.

About 100 years ago a couple built that house with the intention of raising a family there but that changed. It turns out she couldn't bear the the children her husband wanted so he left her and all memory of that failed marriage behind. She was heart broken and decided that if she couldn't give anyone the children they demanded she get children in a new way that no one else had tried. She would make them.

In the next few years after many failed attempts at it she finally did it. She'd created a child But how would she bring it to life? That was what no one knew. That creature she brought to life was made of some thing special, with that kind of material what could she have used?

rumor has it that whatever she used was hidden in the old catacomb under her home. That was what I was going to go see, that is how I would prove I was brave. If I took a picture with it then showed it to my classmates then they'd stop calling me a chicken.

I'll show them its not dangerous like mom said...I'll show them all.

That is what I thought back then... I was wrong in thinking that place was not dangerous...dead wrong.
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:14 am

part 2
I was still daydreaming when my teacher slapped my desk with a book causing me to jump and knock over my chair.

"Would you like to share your thoughts with us Amber? " he asked

"N-no" i stuttered

"then pay attention!" he walked back to the board and resumed his lesson

by the time the bell rang i had it all planned out. first i'd tell mom that i was going out trick or treating with Mags. second once i was out of the house i'd tell mags to go on without me. third i'd go get Mike and tell him where i was going. once i got there i'd take a picture of her 'life giver' and get out of there.

I headed to sixth period. Finally the last class of the day with Mags. I sat next to her and we made plans for Halloween.

"Yay i cant believe we're going trick or treating!" she cheered

"Yep thats the plan" I hated lying to my best friend but i had to. This was the only time in my life when there would be no other opition.

Was i never more wrong then i was at that moment?
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:14 am

part 3
At home i talked to mom and told her what i was going to do- or rather what she wanted me to do.

"Really?! Its about time you went out with mags for a good time. you know you haven't done it in a while"

"I know thats why i wanna go out on one of the most fun days of the year"

her voice filled with authority and worry"Good but you do remember what i told you right?"

"Yes mom i wont go near the old Chamber Manor"

"Good, cause if i find out you do you won't leave the house til you turn 30"

"I know"-I sighed and asked-"So what are you doing on Halloween night?"

"That's a surprise honey" she smirked because she knew how much I hated surprises

"Can't you just tell me?" I whined

She paused to pretend to consider it "Hmmm...nope" she laughed and walked away

Why couldn't my Mother be normal? Why couldn't I just find the 'life giver' on the porch and be done with it?

All good questions no answers to be seen -sigh-
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:16 am

Great story! ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:17 am

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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:25 am

When can I see more?
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:28 am

when i write more
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:29 am

Oh XD Kk
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:30 am

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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:36 am

Will that be soon?
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:36 am

i guess this one is being made on DL
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:41 am

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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:51 am

its new
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/23/2009, 5:52 am

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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/24/2009, 7:06 pm

part 4

That night I dreamed of the old chambers manor and the woman who'd made her own child. Over and over in my head i saw her sitting in a chair in front of a window and stitching something with thick black thread. I could hear the sound it make with each stitch. It sounded like skin ripping again and again. each time i heard the sound she made a stitch in what ever was on her lap.

I moved closer inch by inch propelled by a burning curiosity until i was standing a few feet from her chair. I stood on the balls of my feet and stretched to see what was on her lap. Before i could get a good look at the thing she'd been sewing I heard the thud of something hitting the floor. I looked down to see what it was and i instantly regretted it , what was on the floor was an arm, a human arm.

I tried to move backwards but i was frozen where i stood. she leaned and reached for the arm as she did her hair fell away from her face and i saw her.

Why was such a horrible woman so pretty?! Her hair was long and blonde, her face pale yet perfected in every way, and her eyes fitting perfectly above the high cheek bones in her pale face. something about her, i'm not sure exactly what is was but something made her look familiar to me. It was like i'd met her before that moment, like i'd seen her walking around my neighborhood. Who was it that i knew that retained such a striking resemblance to her?

While i was still lost in thought she looked up and saw me, my heart stopped. She smiled at me and said

"Amber come here" her tone was calm and normal

I looked around me trying to see if i could find something to distract her and my eyes stopped on the dusty mirror halfway across the room from me. I was sure it was a mirror but the face in the mirror did not belong to me. i was staring at a girl with short black hair that curled around her cheeks and hazel colored eyes. I turned back slowly to see the woman standing in front of me. she grabbed me by the chin and turned my face side to side to get a good look at the face i had but didn't own. Her smile turned wicked and she said

"You'll do very nicely dear. Don't worry you'll get used to it"

Suddenly the scene around me changed i was in a field at night and a yard or two away i saw the woman and the girl who's body i'd just been in. the girl was laying in the grass with her eyes closed as the woman stood over her with a bloody axe. I stared at the woman in terror, I hoped that she wouldn't see me where i was. My eyes dropped back to the unconscious girl in the grass, I noticed something i had missed before, she was missing both arms. One arm was in the field behind the woman but where was the other one? i looked at the girl's outfit and realized the arm that had fallen from the woman's chair belonged to the girl.

The woman raised the bloody axe above her head. The girls eyes flew open and stared forward in shock, the wheeled seeing nothing. Her eyes made contact with mine then they weren't attached to her body any more. Her head rolled a few times and the eyes looked at me, she smiled and mouthed the words 'beware, you're next'. then her eyes dimmed and shut. The woman turned and stared straight at me she raised the axe and threw it dead center at me.

As soon as it should have hit and killed me i woke up shrieking and sweating. My eyes were wide as i dropped my hand to where the axe should have hit me. There was a hole in my pajama top where the knife would have been but no blood. I lifted my shirt and saw a long scar going down my stomach, it was healed but i'd never had surgery or gotten cut there. Where did that scar come from?

If only I had known.
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/28/2009, 11:31 pm

Yay! ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/29/2009, 11:36 pm

y'd u yay? XD
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/29/2009, 11:51 pm

Cuz it was good? XD
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/30/2009, 12:12 am

not what i hear on DL
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/30/2009, 12:13 am

Well those fuckers can suck my dick! (Well, I'll buy a dildo and they can suck on that. XD)
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/30/2009, 12:14 am

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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/30/2009, 12:15 am

Then they can keep it. I don't need sex, life fucks me whenever it can.
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The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/30/2009, 12:45 am

um i dont know how to respond to that
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PostSubject: Re: The House In The Ruins (Horror)   The House In The Ruins (Horror) Empty6/30/2009, 1:15 am

I dun like it D:
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