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 Fourth Of July

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Amnyia (Ershana)
Amnyia (Ershana)

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Fourth Of July Empty
PostSubject: Fourth Of July   Fourth Of July Empty7/9/2009, 10:47 am

Ever had one of those friends? You know the one’s that have been there ever since you were born? Yea, I have one. We’ve always been together. Literally. Our classes, field trips, movies, everything. And the best part? I’m in love with him. Yea, a guy. Friends with a girl. Nothing wrong with that… right? Well, except for the fact that I love with him.
I was born on the 4th of July in 1994, just like him. And in the same hospital. In the same room. Weird right? Not really.
See, for about three centuries, two families, the Shapiro’s’ and the Young’s’, have always been there for each other. The first two women of both families had been friend’s since they started school together. They both fell in love with two men, who both left them after they became pregnant. So, they would give birth to their children in the same room of the same place, and ironically, they would both be girls.
Now, the two girls would be together their entire lives. Sure, they had other friends and did normal stuff, but they were always together. Never would they fight, and they always understood each other. The same thing happened with their mothers; they fell in love with two men who left them after they became pregnant.
My mom was named Amelia Shapiro, and her best friend was named Bertha Young. Mom fell in love with some biker, and Aunt Bertha had her heart on a doctor. And, of course, they left before they had us. Mom and Bertha had already chosen girl names, seeing as it was obvious what gender what we were going to be. Only Bertha had a last minute change.
Chris Young was born thirty seconds before me. Aunt Bertha was pretty shocked, but like any mother, she was happy with her child. His beautiful baby features captured hers, and my heart. Tuffs of black hair were covering his head, and pale skin made his green eyes shimmer. Those chubby cheeks and big tummy were just going to morph into muscle over time.
When I was born, I had a pretty high IQ already. I had opened my gray eyes already, and I had to smile at my mother, who practically died of happiness. She named me Lynette, stroking the auburn curls on my tiny head. I had pale skin like Chris back then, but it turned into a nice tan later.
As we grew up, Chris and I were already showing signs of what we would be like later on in life. I would fixate myself on skateboards and guitars in my free time, and presents always revolved around those objects. You would see me riding to the park on my skateboard with Chris, guitar strapped to my back. I would get a comfortable spot on the swings and sing to my hearts content, the music of my guitar flowing with my voice.
Chris was a little different. His IQ was high, but not enough to beat mine. He calls me ‘Einstein’ because of it. He would also be more into sports. Football was his big favorite. Go figure. I think that’s the only sport I can actually play. We always toss the ball around when he’s done with practice. The only problem with that was when he got hot, he would pull off his shirt, and I had to struggle hard not to stare at his muscular chest. He was also the person who taught me how to watch a horror movie or science fiction movie without withering in disgust.
The one thing that we don’t have in common is love. Being the big football star, he always had a date and a new girlfriend every week. While I always was withdrawn to the crowd, playing my music; I only had eyes for him. As much as I tried to win his heart, it never worked. But then again, I never tried hard. If it went wrong, that would be so uncomfortable since we live with each other.

We are both 15 now, and plenty of things have changed. I think our family is going to be the one to break the curse. Remember how I said that we were always together? Yea, that lasted till we were about 13. Then he started hanging with other people, gaining more and more popular by the day. His style and mood changed often, and I couldn’t stand it. But I never make a comment. I never say anything bad. I just let him do his own thing. It’s not my fault God chose for us to be this way.
I talk to him often, and I think that’s how he stays calm. I’m the one person he can trust. When he’s having girl troubles, I’m there. When people bullied him in 8th grade because he was smart, I was there. That’s how I’m able to convince him to do things with me. I get lonely, see? I don’t have other friends because of him. So I spend my time learning about him. So when I want some alone time with him, I can convince him to go to the movies with me, or skate down to the park to throw a ball around.
Now, in our sophomore year of High School, I’m realizing that it’s now or never to get his heart.
It all started the week of the summer prom. Though it was raining constantly, that didn’t stop everyone from getting all buzzed up about the dance. Personally, I think prom is bullshit. It’s just a lame reason for people to get prettied up and get drunk. So while the girls in front of me in Music giggled and gossiped about who they were going to go with, I was writing a song in my notebook. I was wearing my normal outfit: jeans, my black ballet flats, a gray tank top that framed my chest nicely, and a sweatshirt to cover the tank up. My black glasses made my gray eyes look glazed over, even though I put on make-up.
Many girls picked on me, but mostly the witches were there. The witches consisted of Angela, a beautiful, rich, Korean girl who actually used to be my friend until the witch swooped in. Brittany was blonde and beautiful, as the saying goes. She was probably second in command. Dumb as dumb can be, she’s only there because of her looks, and her ability to be on the cheerleading squad. Now, Jennifer was the top dog. Or cat, as she liked to say. Her black hair was sleek and shiny, and it always made her blue eyes stand out with her pale skin. There has always been a rivalry between us ever since she met Chris. Of course, she had to have him for herself, so he immediately became off limits. And soon enough, she was going out with him. But it was a shaky relationship. They were the classic popular couple: off and on, off and on again.
I was the one who made this so. Chris thought that I should come along with the popular group, much to my demise. She sneered at me as I attempted to hang with them. So I was marked as a freak for the rest of my high school experience. Now, I just keep to myself, and Chris could care less.
“Hey freak.” Jennifer hissed at me, her whole clique turning around. I sighed to myself and looked up into her piercing gaze. “What’s this?”
Without noticing, she had grabbed my notebook and was reading it aloud to the class, her voice cutting off Mr. Russell.
“’He never notices my look. He always walks away. I wish that he could see the pain that is inside.’” Her mocking voice rang in my ears, and I snatched it out of her hands, face turning red.
The whole class was staring now, snickering and chuckling. Mr. Russell looked at me curiously.
“Lynette, is there something you’d like to share?” He asked, looking at my notebook.
“N-no sir.” I managed to stutter. My hands were trying to stuff the pages back into my book bag.
“Well, if you don’t mind keeping your mouth shut, I would like to continue our lesson.” And he turned back to the chalkboard.
My mouth was ajar as I stared at his back. Of course I was to blame when it was Jen who said it. I sat back in my chair, mumbling profanities to myself as I listened to the rest of my music instructions. This class was usually the place for me to relax since the witches usually skipped this class. But sometimes they liked to stop by and torture me.
I practically ran to my history class, desperate to get away from them. The long hallways took me past many posters advertising the prom, and I almost tore one down. They were everywhere, and I hated it. Stupid school board thinks that everyone is happy at their school and of course everyone has a date to go to prom with. But they never stop to wonder if there is any other people who are outcastes and don’t go out with people because they are flat out jackasses.
Sure, I’ve been asked out plenty of times, but I never wanted anyone besides Chris. And he was always taken. Thank god we had most of our classes together. So as I approached the door for History, there he was. His gold like figure made my face light up, and I ran over to him, embracing him in a tight hug. He gladly returned it, and let go way too early for my liking.
“Tough morning I take it?” He chuckled, his warm voice making me melt.
“Ugh. You have NO idea!” I said walking in with him to our desks in the back of the class. “Your witch of a girlfriend loves making the beginning of my day horrible.”
I should have taken it back the moment I said it, because Chris became tense and looked at me with sympathy.
“She isn’t that bad. You just haven’t given her enough time to warm up to you.”
I had to snort. “Please. She’s done with me. You don’t know as much about her as I do!” My remark made him give me a weird look.
“Oh come on! Like you guys ever talk!” I said, not letting him speak. “I can hear you eating each other’s faces all of the time.”
His face turned red, and our attention was directed to the chalkboard, where our teacher, Mrs. Holman, had just walked in.
About half way through the lesson, Chris turned to me, “Hey, look, I’m sorry about Jenni, but can you lay off? She’s my girlfriend. And I love her.”
I nodded, but in the back of my head, I knew that just before prom, they were going to break up. Whenever he does break it off with Jennifer for about a week, it’s some of the happiest times of my life. It’s probably the only time we actually have one-on-one time. So, I do try and make sure that things are horrible between them so that they break up often. Though I make him sad because of this, I find that he’s happiest with me. I’m not trying to say that he likes me best, which he does, but it just seems that way!
The rest of our day went the same as usual: Chris hanging with his football team and Jennifer when he wasn’t in class, and me, playing my guitar. My only other friend, Lucas, loyally listened to my woes about Jennifer. He was a little... clingy, but I didn’t care. He helped me with my homework, comforted me when Chris ignored my hopeless devotion, and treated me like I was important.
School was let out early because of a lightening storm, but that never stopped me from going with Lucas on our skateboards to the park. I was smoothly gliding down the twists and turns of the sidewalk, when I heard another board coming closer to mine. I turned my head, hoping inside that Chris was coming, but all I saw was Lucas speeding up to me. I rolled my eyes at how eager he was, and started to go faster. My book bag swished on my side as he slowed down next to me.
“Didn’t I tell you to wait for me after school?” He huffed, out of breath. He had only started skateboarding when he became my friend, and was still unaccustomed to the energy it took.
“Yes, but you take to long.” I murmured half to myself. My body shifted into a leaning position, quickening my ride.
Lucas struggled to meet my board as smoothly. “Well sorry Mr. Russell makes it difficult to get my cello.” His voice sounded strained, and I didn’t blame him. Preferring to ride home with me was a big stretch for his back to carry the large instrument.
Making a sharp turn to another sidewalk, I heard a familiar voice growing louder as we approached the park.
Squinting, I saw Chris’s shaggy, black hair mingling with Jennifer’s sleek hair. They were talking to each other for once. My ears strained to hear them.
“Look, I know you don’t like her, but give Lynette a chance.” He was saying. “She’s a really cool gal once you get to know her.”
“Oh come on, Chris.” Jennifer said, wrapping her arms around his neck. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. “You know she just wants to be with you. I highly doubt that she even cares what you like to do. She just likes you for your looks.”
At that, I had to snort. She was describing herself, trying to make me look bad. Unfortunately, Chris and Jennifer heard me. I quickened my pace, hearing Lucas fight to keep up. When I was sure they weren’t looking, I sneaked a glace at Chris.
Of course, his face was locked with Jennifer’s, making me cringe. You know, that could be you. I thought to myself. But I shook off the thought, focusing on stopping my board and getting over to my favorite tree. Lucas stopped next to me, huffing and puffing.
“You know-“ His words were broken between gasps. “You could try and go slow for once.” He slung off his cello, opening the case.
I looked up at the dark blue sky, my auburn hair blowing back from the wind. “Slow wastes time. You want to get something done? You got to go fast.” I turned to him with a smile. “And you have got to get in shape!” He glared at me, but smiled back.
With my bag by my board, and my guitar strapped to my back, I nimbly climbed my favorite oak tree. Its branches seemed perfect for me; there was a branch to lean on, a branch to sit on, and one flat branch on the trunk that was great for placing things like homework. As I sat down on the worn bark, my hands pulled out the guitar from my back. I strummed a few chords, smiling to myself at the sound. Though I liked country music, I would make classical piano music flow with my guitar strings. My moods also affected the way I played. Some days were blues, while the others were a folk mood. On the back of my guitar was a slot that I made to hold sheet music of my favorite songs.
I never liked guitar picks, so I stopped biting my nails and just used my thumb and index finger nails together to strum. Today, they played along to my favorite country singer’s top hit: Alison Krauss’s song Ghost in this House. The soft melody soothed me, and I soon enough found myself singing along.
“I don’t pick up the mail….” My voice rang along the valley of homes, making people look out of their windows and sigh. “I don’t pick up the phone….”
Lucas looked up at me, closing his eyes to capture the beat. His low instrument blended with my guitar, making the slow tune have a dreary feel to it. I smiled as I sang, enjoying the music. Half way through the song, a bolt of lightning shot through the sky, and thunder rumbled the tree. Sadly, I stopped, jumping down from my branch, right next t
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Fourth Of July Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fourth Of July   Fourth Of July Empty7/9/2009, 11:48 am

This is so good! The story is so cute. <3 Jennifer is a bitch. >.>

Right next to...? It got cut off. XD
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