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 The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)

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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:03 am

where do you go when the fear comes?who do you call when no one is around?
what is after you? do you know?I'll bet you dont.

Jessie was walking home from school and passed the woods' edge for the
2nd time that day. she looked in and it was dark, she'd always been
scared to enter those woods cause she thought she'd get lost.but not
today. to day she was going in the woods on her own. she'd always wanted
to be brave but she was a coward most of the time. she entered the woods
while trying to remember the myths about the woods. she'd been told when
she was young so she didn't remember them.

as she entered the woods she started to hear the voices of children
chanting. but she could barely hear them let alone understand them.
the deeper she went into the woods the more determined she got even
though she couldn't see anything. the chanting grew louder and more
understandable to Jessie. the childish voices were chanting the myths to
her over and over so she'd remember.

"do you remember? remember what has happened in this forest. we are
the soul-searchers help us. help us. but dont make a sound."

"If you need help what do i have to do? please i just want to help you."
she'd lost all her courage and determination at this point. it was concern
that kept her upright now.

"come. come deeper into the woods. we need you!" the said in unison.
she did as they'd told her and ventured farther in to the woods.

something brushed her leg it was wet so she let out a whimper and felt
pain cause what ever it was had cut her ankle. as soon as the noise left
her lips some thing knocked in to her causing her to
spin and fall. she'd never find her way home now. she got up and there
was a light in the woods she mistook it for home and ran towards it. she
saw a woman sitting on a throne. she was beautiful with long dark hair
she looked right at Jessie and smiled. but not in a way to make Jessie
feel safe it was in a way to make Jessie faint with fear and so she did.

she awoke in the woman's arms.the woman's lips were at her neck...she
was cold like a dead person. Jessie tried to talk but all she'd managed

"W-who are you? what am i doing here?"- she noticed the woman's
black eyes not a drop of white in them -"what are you?!"

"I am the one called Desiree. i've lived here for as long as
any one can remember. i feed on people foolish enough to enter my
domain. you are my next victim."

Jessie turned to run but she was held fast by Desiree's firm

"its no use you are in the heart of the woods. you cannot be heard."
she pulled Jessie back to her and rested her lips against her neck once
more. Jessie finally noticed what Desiree was sitting on...it was a pile of
children's bodies all dead pale and rotting with bites taken. she realized
that she would be next.
Desiree licked her neck and sank her teeth in. Jessie let out a pain
filled cry. Desiree continued to bite chew and swallow pieces and chunks
of Jessie while Jessie cried and screamed again and again. she'd made
sure to keep Jessie alive by not biting anything fatal.

Finally she finished and placed Jessie's body in the pile and said

"My dear thank you very much you lasted the longest of them. rest

now she waits for the next child to enter the woods.
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:03 am

where do you go when the fear comes?who do you call when no one is around?
what is after you? do you know?I'll bet you dont.

Andie was about to turn 16. He was the happiest person you'd ever see.
All for his age. he was happy cause his parents were getting him a car.
He'd gotten a later curfew so he could play with his friends at night. He
was walking with only two friends this time as they past the woods. His
friend Mike was goofing off and took Andie's wallet out of his pocket. He
waved it in front of Andie so he'd notice it.

"Give it back!" He told Mike as he continuously lunged for the wallet
only to have it out of his reach.

"Nope."he laughed

Andie tackled him and the wallet went flying out of mike's hands and
into the forest.

"oops. sorry Andie."

"you're a real jerk you know that right?"Andie stomped off towards the
forest to get his wallet back. this time his other friend spoke.

"dont go in there. haven't you heard? its not safe!"

"i'm not leaving it in there. i just got it!"

he ran into the forest. it was already dark out so he'd have to feel his
way around. he felt every this way and that way but still no wallet. finally
his hand found something that didn't belong on the forest floor. he
picked it up. he turned it over in his hand again and again so he'd get
the general idea of what it was.it was his wallet.he heard something. it
was a voice..or was it voices? he thought it was just mike messing with
him again.

"Knock it off mike. i know its you." he was getting mad.
the voices continued

"i know its you ! so just come out." he was really mad now.
the voices continued and they were getting clearer and easier to hear.

"come out...mike?" it didn't sound like mike or his other friend.who was
it then? "who are you" the anger turned into fear as he finally
understood the voices.

"leave this place" it was the voice of children"run away and dont come
back" Andie backed away.

A little girl walked out from behind the tree. she was glowing white so
Andie could see everything around him. he was surrounded in an instant
by a crowd of glowing children. the little girl spoke.

"You are in danger. the more time you stay here the more risk you
face." the others agreed with her.

"who are you?"Andie asked

"we are the victims of the forest Queen. we are trapped here. we can
help you...but to a limit." they spoke in unison. the children all moved
except for the girl. they moved and illuminated two paths. both paths
an equal distance from Andie."you must choose." they told him.because
this was all the help they could give him.

"Thanks. i hope you all find peace." he said as he headed to the path
on his right he was sure that was the way he'd came. leaving the girl
standing alone with her head bowed.

he wandered down the path set before him. the children disappearing
from behind him and reappearing in front on him to light his way. he
came to and open meadow that was unnaturally illuminated. a woman
sat in the center of the meadow facing him. she was beautiful with long
dark hair she looked right at Andie and smiled. but not in a way to
make Andie feel safe it was in a way to make Andie faint with fear and
so he did.

He woke up and he was laying in the grass next to the woman. she was
still looking at him. he sat up.

"who are you?what am i doing here?"- he noticed the woman's
black eyes not a drop of white in them -"what are you?!"

"I am the one called Desiree. i've lived here for as long as
any one can remember. i feed on people foolish enough to enter my
domain. you are my next victim."

she grabbed his arm "GET AWAY FROM ME OR ELSE!" he yelled as he
tried to shake her off

"Or else? Or else what?" she asked in a pseudo-innocent voice while
she leaned closer to him

"I'll-I'll...I might hurt you." he said in an unsure voice

"Really?! Cause i dont think you will.I however WILL hurt you."
she leaned in till she was only inches from his face. Desiree squeezed
and they both heard his arm crunch. He let out a horrifying cry. "I'm
bored with this and i'm hungry." she kissed him and bent so she could
bite the broken arm she held.

she continued to bite all over him when she finished all that was left of
Andie was his armless torso.

"Looks like Jessie's record is broken now its you who have lasted the
longest. rest now child."

Desiree waits for the next child to enter the forest. will it be you?
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:03 am

where do you go when the fear comes?who do you call when no one is around?
what is after you? do you know?I'll bet you dont.

Alyssa was a happy and bright student at her school. she'd always
gotten good grades and she never misbehaved. because of the way
teachers played favorites with her the jocks of her school hated her.
they teased and taunted her. breaking her things and stealing from her
father's shop. they followed her home day after day tormenting her to
no end. One day on the way to her father's shop they followed her past
the woods. the tall jock took her by the wrist and told his friend to help
him carry her. they picked her up and carried her into the woods kicking
and screaming.

"oh just shut up. you deserve this for making us look bad in school to
the teachers." one hissed at her

"you make yourselves look bad so dont blame me because you decide
to goof off instead of applying yourself. Don't pin your issues on me
you pitiful excuse for a human being!" she retorted. the jocks fell silent.
they were in shock at her tone.

"it doesn't matter you're still gonna pay for it." the leader said after a
minute of silence. they brought her deep into the forest."time to pay"

in the darkness and stillness of the forest they beat her . she begged
them to stop but they didn't so she screamed as loud as she could.
while the boys afraid that some one would hear her and come looking
for her dragged her deeper into the dark woods.

lights started to appear around them. the boys thought it was
flashlights so they went running leaving her where she was. she couldn't
make her body move so she stayed where she was and sobbed into the
soft dirt. she heard children whispering the name "Desiree" she heard
footsteps coming towards her. whoever it was noticed her on the floor
and stopped. Alyssa looked up and saw a
beautiful woman standing there staring back.

"you poor child. Why are you here?"-a look of sympathy crossed her
face-"will you allow me to help you? Allow me to ease your pain by
dealing with those boys and fixing your body." she was really genuine
about it.

"thank you." Alyssa told the woman and passed out.

the woman picked her up off the forest floor and carried her to the light
part of the forest. she laid Alyssa down on something soft. when Alyssa
woke up she felt the woman's long black hair brush her face. her eyes
opened and she felt way better. she sat up and looked at the woman
who was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Miss? t-thank you for helping me."-the woman turned to face
her-"A-are you okay?"

"Yes i was just thinking" the woman explained

"Would you like to tell me about it? cause you look troubled."

"I was thinking about children."

"you dont have any?"


"well i just wanted to say thanks for saving me. how can i repay you?"

"i can think of only one way."

"...what is it?"

"become my child."

"I already have parents. I'm sorry cant you think of another way?
miss...? oh and what is your name?"

"I am Desiree and you are my Daughter."

"I said no."

"doesn't matter." she grabbed Alyssa by the arm and pulled her into a
hug. Alyssa struggled wildly but with Desiree's strength it was futile.
Desiree placed her hand on the top of Alyssa's head and her hand
started to glow. the light seemed to soak into Alyssa's head. Desiree
removed her hand and Alyssa fell still.

"Now then, Who are you?" Desiree asked Alyssa

"I am your daughter. Your daughter Luna."

"Yes. Yes you are. Give your mother a hug." Luna wrapped her arms
around Desiree's waist and nuzzled close to her.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too."
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:04 am

where do you go when the fear comes?who do you call when no one is around?
what is after you? do you know?I'll bet you dont.

Luna had been with Desiree for a few months now. even though she was
Desiree's child now still had to maintain her own needs. Sleep was
proving to be a problem for her she'd been having reoccurring
nightmares about something. She'd wake up screaming and sobbing.
Her 'mother' would come and try to comfort her.

"What is it? Are you okay? Did you have the dream again?" Desiree
asked worried now.

"Yes... it was that dream again."-she wrapped her arms around her
mother-"Why am i still having this dream? i want it to stop!" she sobbed
into her mothers embrace.

"Tell me about it... it might help" she told Luna

"Well.. it always starts the same. I'm in the forest being carried by
some men i dont know, they start to beat me and beat me while i beg
them to stop, then i'm surrounded by light. they just drop me on the
forest floor and run."-she wiped her eyes- "I just lay there sobbing into
the dirt cause i'm in too much pain to move... then a woman shows up
and helps me."

"huh." no emotion or thought behind it just a sound of shock."i have to
tell you something but you might not like it.i'm afraid of how you might
react to it." Luna looked up at her and saw her grave face.

"What is it?"

Desiree deliberated on it for a while and decided to tell Luna the
truth,"Well the truth is... that dream of yours... it actually a memory.
that really did happen, and the woman who helped you was me. are you

"Why would i be?"

"Because i took you from your own world and brought you to me out of
pure selfishness. You dont belong here but will you stay?"

"Yes...but i feel as if i'm missing something i need to get rid of the
dreams once and for all. Like some unfinished business I've yet to

"Would you like revenge? Would you like the men who did that to you
to pay for their crimes?" Desiree had never had any intention of letting
Luna see how she fed. she'd never told Luna the truth about it. She
cared about her daughter. Luna was only the second thing she'd ever
cared for and Desiree had no intention of letting her go. she refused to
be hurt like last time...to be turned into a beast with no heart.

"Now that i think of it... yes i would. thats whats missing. i need
revenge." such an evil expression crossed Luna's angelic face. Desiree
shuddered and turned away from her.

"Very well lets go. You need to see the type of revenge i'm thinking
of."-she started to walked away-"Maybe once you see it'll change your

"Uh...Sure." Luna said and followed Desiree.

They walked though the part of the forest that Desiree had never
allowed Luna into and for a good reason. the area they entered reeked
of dead bodies and death. Desiree went to the center of the Area and
finally looked back at Luna. Her face a mask of sorrow and pain. Luna
was frozen where she stood, on her face a look of ultimate Disgust,
pain, and horror. She looked and saw her mother standing amongst
thousands of dead and rotting/decomposing bodies all mangled to the
point where they couldn't be identified. She looked even closer and saw
that all of the bodies were that of children and teenagers and the
occasional young adult. A noise that Luna didn't even recognize shot
out of her mouth. At the sound of the noise Desiree flinched knowing
that after this she would have to face pain in one of two forms: One-
Her only child would leave her or Two- she'd have to deal with the loss
of her daughter if Luna decided to go through with this and her
personality change forever. Loss in two forms and Desiree couldn't tell
which one would be the lesser of two evils. To her they were equal and
she'd become a cold ruthless monster if she had to face either.
Luna bent and picked up one of the bodies nearest to her. Silent tears
streaked down her face as she stared into the eyes of a girl about her
age. This body looked some what recent. Luna saw some thing gold
dangle from the neck of the dead girl...it was a locket with the words 'to
Jessie' written on the front.

"Jessie." Luna whispered her expression turning to sadness and pity

"Yes do you see now what kind of a monster I am? This is what you'll
have to do if you truly desire revenge from the core of your very
being."-she moved to the throne in the middle of the field and sat in it
she continued to look at Luna- "Are yo prepared for the burden of it?
Will you really bring another body into this grave? Do you still want
vengeance? It'll come at such a heavy price that you'll never feel like it
was worth it. Will you do it?"

Luna stared at the body again and remembered her dream once more
"Yes I will to me its worth it. if it still seems like its not worth the cost I
know i cant undo it but i'll deal with the burden on my own. Show me
how." She was determined to do this. Desiree turned her head away.

"Luna," She whispered. She looked as if the conversation had aged her
a good thousand years and for the first time in a few dozen centuries
she felt weary.
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:04 am

where do you go when the fear comes?who do you call when no one is around?
what is after you? do you know?I'll bet you dont.

Luna and Desiree walked in the forest and neither of them spoke a
word to the other. Luna in determination. she was afraid that if she
spoke to her caretaker of the past few months she'd lose her nerve and
never get the revenge she thought she needed. Desiree said nothing
cause her mind was else where thinking of ways to save her daughter.
She was resoling something. She'd tell Luna about her past..hopefully
that would stop her. Desiree was nervous. She'd never told a single
person dead or alive about her past but now she had to.

"Luna stop" Desiree told Luna as she stopped walking


"I've decided...I want to tell you something i've never told anyone
before. Its the story of my past."

"I..actually wanna hear it."

"Its not a happy tale."

"I dont care i still wanna hear it"

"okay" Desiree sighed "It tarted back when i was human when this
forest was in its early stages with only a few trees. My people lived in
small tribes and i was just a normal girl. I loved my parents more than
anything in the world. My tribe was at war with another tribe from the
east and we had many losses on both sides. One day after a battle i
was charged with carrying away the dead of our tribe but i found one
person who was still alive. it was a boy from the other tribe he was the
most beautiful boy i'd ever laid eyes on. I knew that if i told my parents
they'd kill him and i didn't want that. I brought him into the small forest
and nursed him back to health. We would talk for a long time in the
quiet darkness of the forest at night. Without realizing it he had
become the most important thing in my world. I did every thing i could
to keep him from being found. Soon his injuries healed and i knew i
had to let him go back to his family. At the last night we would spend
together he told me that he didn't want to go back to his old life. H told
me that he wanted to stay with me, he wanted a family with me. I told
him the truth. i felt the same way about him. He kissed me and it was
the first one i'd ever received. we spent the night together talking about
how it would be. It would be peaceful without the war we planned to run
away together in the morning. When morning came i was all set my
family thought i would be at home for the day. I took my necklace that
i'd gotten from my mother and a knife i'd gotten from my father and
headed into the forest to meet him" Desiree paused and looked away
from Luna.

"What happened?"

"We lived happily and peacefully...but he was lying to me the whole
time. He had still been on the side of his tribe. I was out picking Fruits
and berries when i heard the foot steps. I turned and saw him i was
happy i thought he'd come to help but i was wrong. Dead wrong. I saw
his face... it was a twisted grin filled to the brim with purely evil
intentions."-A tear rolled down Desiree's cheek-"He hit me and i saw for
the first time that his hand was behind his back. I saw the light shine
off it and i backed away a few steps. he grabbed me by the hair and
pulled me back. I cried for him to let go but he wouldn't. He pulled out
the knife and held it to my throat.he said the worst words ever. those
words shattered my world. he said 'You fool I never loved you. I will
return home a hero having killed one of the enemies. Goodbye.' He let
the blade drag deep across my neck and dropped me on the floor. My
mind hanging on to reality by a thread couldn't make me move. i lifted
my head in time to see him walk away smiling. i made a promise that i
i lived forever i would keep people from destroying this forest with their
hatred. My wish was granted but at what price. my immortality lasted
only if i took life from another. i found out later on that if i fed on
young people i could go for longer without needing to feed."

"Then why did you save me instead of killing me?" Luna asked. Her
mind could only form that question because the rest of her was trying to
absorb the information she'd just heard.

"I wasn't hungry at the time." Desiree lied. The truth was and they both
knew it - She felt sympathy for Alyssa. Both of them had been put in
this forest only to suffer misery at the hands of cruel people.

Luna called Desiree's bluff "You're lying. You felt sympathy for me."
Desiree sighed

"I suppose you are right. But the reason i dont want you to get revenge
is that if you do what i've done you'll be trapped here forever. Never
free to move on."

"I dont care i still want to do it"Desiree's story hadn't weakened Luna's
resolve one bit.

"As you wish." They continued walking until they reached the spot where
Jessie, Andie and the old Alyssa had died. Desiree called out the souls
and told them to seek the boys who'd harmed Luna so long ago. They
obeyed. "And now we wait"

A half hour later 2 boys came running into the clearing and paused
when they saw Luna with her eyes closed. They looked at each other
and back at her "Alyssa?" one asked "is it really you?"

"Yes" she opened her eyes slowly and move towards them "It is glad
i'm alive right?"

"Of course! We thought you were dead!" they took a step back as she
moved closer

"Well i'm alive...no thanks to you two." She looked at them with pure
malice burning in her eyes. She moved forward at an inhuman speed
and struck the lead jock in the chest sending him flying in to a tree
snapping it in half as he passed through it on to the next.-Desiree's
power must have affected Luna- She heard the other boy gasp as she
turned to him. he turned and tried to run away but tripped over one of
the bodies. He noticed what had stopped his escape and screamed.
Luna grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off his feet.

"You're so noisy. We'll Have to fix that" she smiled wickedly as the
words left her.
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:04 am

where do you go when the fear comes?who do you call when no one is around?
what is after you? do you know?I'll bet you dont.

As she had him off the ground she smiled wickedly at him. He gasped
for air as Luna's unbreakable grip tightened. Luna turned her body and
flung him straight at his friend. This torment was way too much for
Desiree to bear. Desiree moved forward and grabbed Luna by the

"That's enough now. Let them be"

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Luna hissed "I told you i wanted revenge
so i'll get it. Let go!"

"Ungrateful brat" Desiree struck Luna hard across the face and set her
flying across the clearing into a tree smashing it to splinters. she turned
back to the boys and a soft light glowed over them healing all of their
injuries. They both come to and stared up at Desiree in terror. "Go
home. Hurry!" They both nodded and ran back into the forest."As for
you"-she looked across the field at Luna's body lying in the trees-"You
will be punished"

the boys ran home and their clothes were still in tatters hanging on to
them by threads. they told their fathers that some woman had tried to
kill them in the forest; but they said nothing about Alyssa because then
everyone would know what they had tried to do to her. All the men in
town had their guns in hand a soon as thy could and followed the two
boys into the forest. Deep in the forest Desiree heard them coming but
did nothing.

The men arrived in the clearing at dusk and saw all the bodies, smelled
the rot and decay, tasted the death in the air. A few of the men threw
up and gagged. and two of the men gasped and dropped to their knees
sobbing. the men were Jessie and Andie's fathers. they picked up the
barely recognizable bodies of their children and sobbed more. Desiree
was still sitting in the middle of the clearing on her throne, eyes shut
with her arm behind her throne.

"Is that her?" one of the fathers asked


"You heard them boys. Lets get her" the men charged and stopped cold
when Desiree opened her black eyes. she stared and made no
movement. The man in charge took a step forward with his gun aimed
for her heart. "Was it you who killed all of these people?" only her lips


"We cant allow you continue to kill anymore" his voice shook as she
rose to her feet arm still behind her throne.

"Allow?!" her voice filled with incredulity "You do not allow me to do
anything. I simply do as I please"

"TAKE HER DOWN!" all of the guns raised and aimed for her

A barrage of bullets went straight for her and her arm finally moved
pulling Luna out from behind the chair. Desiree grabbed Luna and held
her up in front of her own body. Luna's body twitched and jerked as
each bullet hit some part of her body. finally the barrage stopped and
Luna's body looked like Swiss cheese with all the holes in it. Desiree set
her down and whispered

"I told you you would be punished"-she turned to the men-"Thank you.
You've done what I couldn't bring myself to do. Go Home." she waved
her arm and a gust of air pushed all the men back into the forest where
they blew around like leaves in the air until they hit town all of the men
were in shock except three of them. Jessie's father, Andie's father, and
the one in the worst condition Alyssa's father. he walked home in tears
knowing that his daughter- his only child had just died and it was him
and his friends who'd killed her. the truth is that only Him and the two
boys- not that he knew it- had recognized her when she had been killed.

Desiree back in the forest was more alone now than ever. She stood
over Luna's body and let only a single tear fall to Luna's cheek. Even
though it was blood red it still had the same meaning and purpose.
Desiree looked up to the horizon with the moon rising and sun setting.

She spoke "I understand. as the sun sets so do you leaving the sky
alone to be filled with darkness and sorrow. Yet the sun will shine again
but to the sky itself thats not soon enough. The sky itself is eternal but
the sun will die someday 'till then the sky will never truly be alone."-she
looked back at Luna-"Symbolic. Am i right? That if nothing else would've
been the only true lesson i've taught you as my daughter."
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Life Is Hell But Worse

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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:09 am

Great story! Wave
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:13 am

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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Member Of The Month
Life Is Hell But Worse

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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:15 am

When is the rest coming?
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:17 am

after saturday
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:21 am

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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:24 am

i love the way people react to my stories. they always seem to forget that its horror
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:26 am

...So? XD
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:29 am

honestly nice super kind people read it and say they love it even thoughits a person in the forest eating people
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:32 am

I ain't nice. XD
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:34 am

or innocent and pure
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:36 am

Yeah true lol
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:37 am

Rolling Eyes
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:42 am

Shooting emote
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:51 am

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Life Is Hell But Worse
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:52 am

I hate that emote DX I might delete it XD
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:53 am

have fun with that
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 5:55 am

Should I?
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 7:41 pm

why do you want to?
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty6/23/2009, 11:15 pm

Cuz it's a bitch! XD
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The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story)   The Secret Of the Dark Woods (scary chapter story) Empty

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