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 Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)

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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/26/2009, 1:29 am

part 1

Somewhere in Pennsylvania back in the 1900s a little girl was found in a deep hole with two stab wounds and a doll that had a wicked smile etched into it's face. Along with her body a blood-spattered note and a knife were found. when the police read the note it told her story.

Mary-may was a spoiled little 8year old girl who got anything she wanted and if she couldn't get it given to her she just took it. One day her dad said he couldn't afford to buy her a new doll for her collection.

"You already have so many and most you've never touched even once. I can't buy you another doll. I'm sorry Mary-may but you'll just have to accept it this time sweetheart."Her dad told her .

So infuriated she wandered into the forest near her home, that was on the out skirts of town, the next day and found a little cave with a doll on a shrine.It's hair was long and golden, it sat with a gentle grin on its face, the black dress on it was elegant, and it's bright blue eyes practically glowed in the face of the beautiful doll. It was the eyes that caught Mary-may and put her practically in a trance.

"Well if daddy can't buy me a doll I'll get one for myself. He didn't say I couldn't do did he. And besides this one is really pretty."She said to herself. Her words ,although whispered, echoed throughout the cave. She grabbed the doll and walked out of the cave so sure that if she act like the doll was hers in the first place no one would ask about it.

She hurried home to add the doll to her collection in her room.
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/26/2009, 1:30 am

part 2

When she got home her mother and father looked at the doll, a terrified expression crossed their faces and they asked her where she had gotten the doll. She just gave them a look and whet to her room. When she looked at the doll for the first time since she'd picked it up and let out a blood curdling shriek.

It's face had changed drastically. The gentle smile had become a wickedly-crooked smile, the eyebrows which she'd never noticed before that were made of real hair and pointed down to give the once gentle face an evil look. The long hair had grown down to the back of the doll's knees.

Her father came into her room after she screamed and saw her sitting in the corner with the doll at her feet. She looked terrified and her father took the doll away from her legs and threw it across the room into a wall. Her father picked her up called his wife and ran from the house to their nearest neighbor. The neighbor let them stay for a while.

They stayed there for a few days and finally went home. Before he let her go to her room her father checked it and the doll was gone but no one had come into the house while they were gone. The mother was still in the kitchen and called them both with a strangled sounding voice.

When they entered the kitchen she was looking at something and they saw what her mother was looking at and they were shocked. It was the doll standing on it's own two legs with a large kitchen knife in its hand. It turned away from the mother to face Mary-may. It's face had changed even more the smile was wider, the eyes opened to look as if she'd lost her mind. She opened her mouth and spoke in a high psychotic voice.

"Mary-May it's so good to see you and your dear father again. I was about to play a fun game with your mother want to join me?"

"N-No i cant play with you. I'm sorry." Mary-May told the doll. Disappointment crossed it's face and it turned back to the mother and walked to her and told her that if she could guess the number it was thinking of she'd let them all go. The mother guessed wrong and the doll made her suffer for it. A knife to the eye(not enough to kill but enough to cause a extraordinary amount of pain, a few deep slits in the wrists, and finally after about 20 minutes of pain filled torment and the mother praying for death a knife to the heart.

When the doll was finished and her dress was blood spattered she forced Mary-may and her father out into the back yard and forced the father to dig a deep hole and held the knife to Mary-may's neck and told him, "If you don't dig i'll slit her throat, and I know you wont like that." A twisted smirk crossed her face.
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/26/2009, 1:30 am

part 3

After the hole was finished the doll forced Mary-may to watch as she murdered her father. All she could do was cry because she knew she would be next whether or not she said anything. The doll thrust the knife straight through the father's knee cap and both Mary-May and the doll heard the sickening snap it made; before his shocked body realized the pain and he let out a horrible cover-your-ears-nails-on-a-chalkboard cry. Mary-May turned her head she couldn't bear to watch her father's suffering mainly because she knew it was her fault. The doll slit his throat and watched him bleed to death.

The doll turned around finally it was time for Mary-may to go. The doll moved her to the edge with the intent of killing her and pushing her in. The doll stabbed Mary-may in the chest and she fell back towards the hole and at the last moment Mary-may grabbed the doll by it's long blond hair and dragged it in to the hole with her causing her to drop her knife in the hole.

her last words to the waking world and the evil doll were " IF I HAVE TO DIE I'M TAKING YOU DOWN WITH ME! I REGRET EVER FINDING YOU!"

"LET GO OF ME! LET GO!" The doll shrieked at her.

"NO! I'll never let you kill another person!" Mary-May replied.

at that moment they both landed in the hole and Mary-may could have been saved if she hadn't landed on the doll's knife.

That became her and her parents' grave after the police found her in the 1950's. But they were careless to not bury the doll with the family instead one officer took and put it in his coat the doll when none of his partners were looking cause he thought it would be a nice gift for his daughter after he cleaned it off.... Bad idea.

Since the day she was found by Mary-may The doll has committed 76 more murders and she is still loose her image and name were even copied and mass produced by a victim's father who owned a toy company. The chances of finding her now are severely slim. It turns out her name was carved into her lower back.Her name was...

You figure it out...
well what did you think? If you want the doll's name you can ask me and i'll post it but if you think it ruins the creepiness of the story then dont.
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/29/2009, 11:51 pm

What's with all the stories? XD Love it!
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/30/2009, 12:13 am

i love horror stories. its the only kind i have patience for
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/30/2009, 12:14 am

Hehehe then you'll hate my romance story I'll be posting. XD
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/30/2009, 12:41 am

does any one die?

or you can catch my secondary interest with detail on the romance.

i read that type of thing...dont judge
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Life Is Hell But Worse

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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty6/30/2009, 1:15 am

You mean sex stories? XD
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/1/2009, 5:22 am

That shit is nice. <3
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Life Is Hell But Worse

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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/1/2009, 7:44 am

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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/8/2009, 7:17 pm

thx peppy

and slushy ...kinda Oh yeah! XD
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/9/2009, 9:40 am

I love those XD
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/9/2009, 5:49 pm

is it like that?
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/9/2009, 7:14 pm

No 0.o Cuz I was gonna show it to my mom XD But I will probably make one, but maybe not on here >.>
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/10/2009, 9:51 pm

when you do PT it to me on this site
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/10/2009, 10:11 pm

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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/10/2009, 11:05 pm

XD i'll be waiting. (i'm bored)
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Life Is Hell But Worse
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Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story)   Mary-May and the CPK doll (scary story) Empty7/11/2009, 10:11 am

You can see some on fanfiction.net XD
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